Dental Implants

An increasingly popular way to replace missing teeth, dental implants not only support crowns, bridges, and dentures, they also take the place of the roots themselves.

Dental implants are fixtures made from titanium which are surgically placed into your jawbone. The implant acts as an anchor for a crown or denture to fit over. When a crown is fitted onto an implant, most people can’t even tell the difference between an implant and their natural teeth.

While dentures and removable partials can become loose and unstable, implants provide you with dental replacements that look and feel natural. Implants perform better than their removable counterparts and offer the same force for biting as natural teeth. Best of all, they will last a lifetime if properly maintained.

A dental implant also requires no alterations to the adjacent teeth. To keep your implants clean and healthy, you still need to stay diligent with your daily oral hygiene. It’s also important to regularly visit Dr. Kumi for routine follow-up appointments and cleanings to keep your new smile healthy and bright!